2.1. Marketing
Liberian agriculture has four marketing channels for its
different products.
a. Concessions
All the rubber product is sold to one of the four factories
belonging to three concessions. The concessions fix their
buying price monthly according to the New York price of the
previous month, so that the price for Liberian farmers follows
the world market price with a slight lag.
Liberia has an official rubber price support scheme which
fixes a minimum price. If the factory price is lower, the
government advances the difference, but this advance must
be repaid if a fixed maximum price is exceeded. Transportation
costs are an important factor determining the actual proceeds
of the farmers. While the road system as such is of minor
importance here rubber farms are usually established only
where roads exist. The distance to the factory determines
transportation costs. Small producers are at a disadvantage
because they have, to use taxis to transport their limited
quantities and the transport price of taxis is 4 5 times that
of trucks,
b. Liberia Produce Marketing Corporation (LPMC)
The LPMC is a marketing board which has the monopoly of all
agricultural exports except rubber. The shares of the corporation
belong, to equal parts, to the Liberian Government and to
the East Asiatic Company which supplies the management and
exports the crops on a commission basis. Every month, the
LPMC fixes standard buying prices for the whole country. At
this price, the six agents appointed by the LPMC buy coffee,
cocoa, palm kernel and piassava. For their services, the agents
receive a fixed commission from the LPMC which also pays for
transport, bags,etc.. The LPMC tries to keep the prices at
a constant level and has built up a reserve fund which can
be used to compensate fluctuations of the world market price.
The peasants usually sell to Lebanese traders who again sell
to sub agents and these deliver the products to the agents.
As the traders know the agent's buying price, they have to
calculate their prices so as to cover not only their handling
expenses and profits, but also the losses due to drying and
deterioration. Peasants may be aware of the agent's buying
prices as these are announced on the radio, but the knowledge
is often of little value to them since most of them have a
vague notion of the meaning of the various units of weights
and measures used. Profiteering on the part of the traders
and unawareness of the marketing costs on the part of the
peasants cause great distrust in local marketing. LPMC buys
upgraded products and does the cleaning and grading on its
own premises. It maintains warehouses, coffeemills, palms
kernel crackers, etc
To promote agriculture, the LPMC established a model coffee
estate, distributed high yielding planting material from its
nurseries, sent 12 agriculturists abroad for training in tree
crop cultivation and launched a rice project. 4 caterpillars
and a low loader have also been purchased for clearing land
for future tree crops. The establishment of a network of rice
purchasing agents and milling facilities at strategic points
of production is under way.
The LPMC was quite successful in reducing the price fluctuations
of export crops and in organizing a marketing system within
the country. This had undoubtedly a stimulating effect on
the production. Unfortunately, besides appointing ire 6 agents,
the LPMC did nothing to create an•intensive marketing
network and arrange for local grading. The prices paid by
the LPMC were attractive for the farmers and even for farmers
of neighbouring countries, but still rather low when compared
w the selling price of the LPMC. To date, its high profits
have not been ploughed back into agriculture but represent
a tax on the agricultural producer.
c. Lebanese Traders
To a large extent, the retail market is in the hands of Lebanese
traders. They replaced the Liberian traders who often had
to give up business because family members did not repay advances.
Little is known about quantities marketed and marketing procedures
of the Lebanese traders. The main crops are rice, cassava,
fruits, oil, sweet potatoes and peppers. The process of price
formulation is often disguised because unknown interest rates
for credits granted are included a situation which offers
wide scope for cheating the producers.
d. Women "making market"
At the local level, women "making market" play
an important role. Numerous markets throughout the country
are held either daily or on certain days of the week. The
markets are organized and controlled by the government, and
the marketing process lies completely in the hands of women.
One group consists of the "target marketers", i,
e. women from the families of traditional farmers who occasionally
sell surpluses to get cash to purchase certain items they
need. Another group is that of the professional traders, women
who buy products for resale in order to earn an income. In
both cases, the daily turnover and the amount of products
in stock are often extremely limited. "Making market"
is not only an occupation to earn an income, but also a way
of life.