2.7. Agricultural Policy and Programmes
For the time being, quite a number of programmes of the Department
of Agriculture are under discussion or are being implemented:
- Expansion of Rice Production
- Expansion of Tree Crop Production
- Expansion of Livestock Production
- Forestry Development Project
- Special Projects for Rice Production in Development Areas
- Inland Fisheries
In addition, it plans the establishment of several services
such as
- Planning Unit for Development
- Agricultural Credit Corporation
- Development of Agricultural Training Institutions
- Cooperative, Credit and Marketing Division for the Department
of Agriculture
- Soil Survey
- Agricultural Engineering Corporation.
The value of each of these programmes will not be discussed
here. From a development policy standpoint, one gets the impression
that there is
- a lack in defining overall goals and strategies
- a lack of a sound basis for planning in the form of land
use planning
- a subject matter approach of "something for everything"
projects instead of policies
- an emphasis on production rather than on development
- a tendency to assist larger farmers.