4.c) Impact an landless labourers
The landless labourers form one fourth of the rural Population,
but their number is ever increasing. Economically, they are
at the bottom of the strata, especially since the situation
of the small peasants has been improved during recent years.
The work of the Academy brought only limited benefits to this
group. On account of the Rural Works Programme, underemployed
labourers could find some temporary employment during the
slack season and this increased their earnings. Some landless
labourers became members of the cooperatives and enjoyed the
credit facilities. Otherwise, the benefit of the Academy's
activities to landless labourers was more of an indirect nature.
The increased production of the farmers provided more employment
for them.
With the limited areas of land available for production
and the slow rate of industrialization, the number of landless
labourers is ever increasing and the living conditions are,
when compared with the land owning classes. deteriorating.
It will, however, be very difficult to do something for their
A possibility might be offered by a new type of Rural Works
Programme. While the original task of constructing the rural
infrastructure has more or less come to an end, there are
other opportunities of using the manpower by construction
work for the improvement of the economic capacity of the country.
Among these, construction and maintenance of irrigation, drainage
and flood control systems have high priority. They would immediately
affect production and would be of benefit to all cultivators,
contrary to road construction which benefits mainly the larger
Farmers uy providing increased marketing possibilities. Especially
the introduction of high yielding varieties of rice, with
its specific demands an the quality of irrigation, makes efforts
for the improvement of irrigation an urgent necessity. The
structure of the Rural Works Programme would probably have
to be changed and adapted to the requirements. The need for
planning and for skilled people might be greater as against
the construction of village roads. Anyhow, steering the idea
of Rural Works Programme into this field would be of great
assistance to the development of agriculture as well as to
the unemployed labourers It would be a worthwhile task for
the Academy to develop a workable organizational form.
Rural Works Programme type of activities will provide only
temporary employment and can, therefore, release the pressure
an underemployed people, but they are no final solution. A
final solution requires the creation of new productive jobs
for all those who are, at present, not fully employed or employed
at low productivity. While employment is not an end in itself
but a by product of the economic development process, there
certainly exist many possibilities to increase the number
of jobs created within the process by applying the right techniques
and by keeping in mind the employment aspect during the development
planning process.
Besides, all activities leading to economic development
will provide more jobs. such possibilities exist in agriculture,
for instance, the introduction of double cropping or the changeover
to more intensive crops. An excellent example of the introduction
of new techniques with vast effects on employment is winter
irrigation which started in recent years and abolished the
former slack season so that, in some areas, the Rural Works
Programme has difficulties to recruit the necessary labour
force. All new sophisticated methods and techniques, like
plant protection, better quality of irrigation, etc., require
increased work. The task is to study one by one the possible
changes and innovations, and to select those which, beside
being economically advantageous, have a favourable impact
an employment.
Another factor, closely related to improvement in agriculture,
is marketing, including transportation, grading and storage.
In these sectors, improvement in agriculture has a secondary
effect an employment. The relation between more sophisticated
agriculture and rural industries creating non-agricultural
jobs is obvious. Most crops require some processing to prepare
them for human consumption. The more non-staple foods are
included in the cropping pattern, the more the scope for processing
and preservation is increased. At a time when the staple food
gap is diminishing, the scope for such sophisticated crops
is increasing. It might be rewarding to study its possibilities,
always keeping in mind the employment aspect.
Apart from industries related to agriculture, the growing
purchasing power of part of the population requires units
for the production of the daily necessities of life. So far,
most of this production took place in large cities. While,
in some Gases, the location of industries is more or less
rigidly prescribed, in many other cases it is located at different
places including the rural centres of administration and traffic
and improves the employment situation in rural areas. The
basic requirement is a careful study of the existing possibilities,
taking into account the preconditions of the various industries,
the supply. transport and power requirements, the qualified
labour demand and the marketing chances. while, in many Gases,
such a study will no doubt come to the conclusion that it
is not possible or economically advisable to locate the particular
industries in rural centres, in some other cases the conclusion
will most likely be that it is indeed possible to have this
production located in rural areas as it would prove a benefit
to the employment situation and to the overall economic development.