Editorial Note

APPLIED GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT is a series presenting original contributions and texts taken from German scientific publications.
The texts in this volume have been placed at our disposal for this series by the authors in the interest of furthering scientific co-operation.

Copyrights, translators, translation rights:

E. BUCHHOFER and A. G. AGUILAR: "Urban Expansion in the Debt Crisis - The Case of
Mexico City"; pp. 48-65. Translated by J. T. CRADDOCK, Maidenhead (Stadtexpansion in der
Schuldenkrise. Der Fall Mexiko-Stadt). In: Geographische Zeitschrift 79 (1991) 1; Stuttgart: Franz
Steiner Verlag GmbH; pp. 26—43.

M. COY: "Pioneer Front and Urban Development. Social and Economic Differentiation of Pioneer Towns in Northern Mato Grosso (Brazil)"; pp. 7-29. Translated by J. A. and I. F. HELLEN, Tyne and Wear (Pionierfront und Stadtentwicklung. Sozial- und wirtschaftsraumliche Differenzierung der Pionierstadte in Nord-Mato Grosso (Brasilien)). In: Geographische Zeitschrift 78 (1990) 2; Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH; pp. 115-134.

W. FRICKE and G. KOCHENDORFER-LUCIUS: "The Influence of Transportation Infrastructure on the Regional Pattern of Agriculture in West Africa, Using as an Example the Impact of the Minor Road Network in the Dan Hills Region of the Ivory Coast"; pp. 30-47. Translated by M.

BLACKSELL, Exeter (Der Einfluss der Verkehrslage auf die regionale Agrarstruktur in West-afrika - Uberpriift an der Wirkung landlicher Nebenstrassen in den Monts des Dan (Elfenbeinkii-ste)). In: Natiirliche Ressourcen und Landliche Entwicklungsprobleme der Tropen. Festschrift fur Walter Manshard (1988); Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH; pp. 76-89.

W. HENNINGS: "Structural Changes in the Economy of Households and Village Communities in Samoa"; pp. 66—82. Translated by J. T. CRADDOCK, Maidenhead (Strukturelle Veranderungen in der Okonomie von Haushalten und Dorfgemeinschaften in Samoa). In: Die Erde 121 (1990) 3/ 4; Berlin: Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin; pp. 177-189.

H. HOPFINGER: "Capitalist Agro-Business in a Socialist Country. Syria Looks for New Ways in Agriculture"; pp. 83—100. Translated by D. J. DAVIS, Birmingham. (Kapitalistisches Agro-Business in einem sozialistischen Land? Syrien versucht neue Wege in der Landwirtschaft) In: Die Erde 121 (1990) 3/4; Berlin: Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin; pp. 157-176.

F. KUHNEN: "Sustamability, Regional Development and Marginal Locations"; pp. 101-105.
Translated by K. COPER, Heidelberg (Sustainability, Regionalentwicklung und Grenzstandorte).
In: Entwicklung und Landlicher Raum 24 (1990) 3; Frankfurt/Main: DLG-Verlags-GmbH;
pp. 9-11. ^

G. MEYER: "Labour Migration into the Gulf Region and the Impact of the Latest Gulf War";
pp. 106-125. Translated by J. T. CRADDOCK, Maidenhead (Arbeitsemigration in die Golfregion
und die Folgen des irakischen Uberfalls auf Kuwait). In: Die Erde 122 (1991) 2; Berlin:
Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin; pp. 81-96.
Translations in collaboration with PAUL WESTNEY, Tubingen.


A Biannual Collection of Recent German Contributions

The aim of the series APPLIED GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT is to keep geographers, administrative officers and relevant institutions in other countries informed on German studies in the field of geographical research. To this end particularly important contributions with practical relevance are selected from German-language publications and translated into English, thus facilitating direct access for an international audience to articles originally written in German.
In exchange for APPLIED GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT the Institute for Scientific Co-operation would appreciate receiving journals, books, and individual articles which can be brought to the attention of German specialists. In this way, a closer exchange of ideas can take place between scholars and institutions in Germany
and abroad.

Edited on behalf of the Institute for Scientific Co-operation by J. H. Hohnholz, in conjunction with M. Domros, G. Kohlhepp and H. Mensching. Associate editor:
A. Bittner.

Landhausstrafie 18, D-7400 Tubingen
Federal Republic of Germany
© 1992 ISSN 0173-7619
Printed by Georg Hauser, Metzingen

Sustainability, Regional Development and Marginal Locations
in: Applied Geography and Development, Vol. 39, Tübingen 1992, 101-105
ISSN 0173-7619