Changing functions of land
A man - land relationship based on usufruct rights and not
on private ownership of land, among others, has the great
value of making it possible to easily adapt to the changing
functions of land. After W.W.II, the main function of land
was to provide work and income to the agricultural population
and to produce food for the non-agriculturists. Other functions
at that time were only of limited importance. Within the course
of time, more and more agricultural land was required for
other purposes: cities and factories expanded, roads required
more land, the areas used for sport and other recreational
purposes increased and environmental concerns led to natural
reserves and limitations in land use. These new additional
functions lead to conflicts between agriculturists and groups
with other interests which require regulation by land use
planning and a functioning land market. Such increasing conflicts
concerning land have become an important development on all
continents due to the reduced availability of land and unclear
property rights.
The new functions of land are important in all those regions
in which part of the rural population, especially the youth,
leaves cultivation and searches for non-agricultural sideline
or full-time jobs. This can be the case near urban agglomerations
as well as in remote, dry areas with small holdings and only
limited income opportunities in agriculture. This development
is taking place on all of the continents.
We must accept the fact that the interest in land has changed
for many of the younger generation. Whereas the main desire
their fathers and grandfathers had was 'access to land', the
younger generation is looking to an increasing extent for
'access to income' and where they can gain access. This change,
once again, calls for a land market in order to facilitate
the transfer of ownership, of more usufruct rights and a mechanism
for preventing the land from drifting into the hands of speculators
and other undesirable groups. As part of the people concerned
wish to continue farming within a multi-employment arrangement,
there is a need for new ways to organize the cultivation of
land, and new types of co-operation between full-time and
part-time farmers, custom-work enterprises and land-management